

Page history last edited by Mario Morgan 5 years, 5 months ago

084 Welcome to SA Twitter!

Invite Key: "twitter"


Started by Eve Dmochowska - continued by South African Twitterers.


This is a wiki page to try and track how many (and which) South Africans are using Twitter.

How it works:


  1. If you are South African - and use Twitter - please add your name and details below. (If you live outside of SA, please tell us where!)
  2. Tweet about the page, thus letting all your followers know about it
  3. Hopefully, your South African followers will visit here, and follow step 1 and 2.
  4. The "six degrees of separation theory" should result in a large chunk os South African twitterers being listed here.



FORMAT: @Twitter name; Full Name or alias; Short description


  1. @SowetanZA - Your unique perspective on up-to-date South African and international news. Plus enjoy user interaction...  Also visit us www.sowetan.co.za
  2. SundayWorld1 - for the latest SA gossip and best Sunday read... Also visit us http://www.sundayworld.co.za
  3. @CellC - Cell C South Africa is South Africa's favorite third network.
  4. @EveD; Eve Dmochowska; Web strategist and early adopter (and lover!) of online technology. Blogger and blogger.
  5. @woganmay; Wogan May; The guy who couldn't keep himself offline :/
  6. @philly_girl; phillygirl; Java Developer by day ... Blogger and the girl behind the bloggirls initiative in my quickly disappearing free time! Currently based in Joburg but a Capetonian by birth (and proud of it!) 
  7. @afromedia; Lantz Mattinson; Web strategist and lover of the online world, sell sunshine and happiness to DataPro clients or anybody that wants it :) I also have a afromedia blog
  8. @zk; Zahira Kharsany; Journalist and part-time Blogger...I rant, rave and learn (I Hope)
  9. @floodedcodeboy; floodedcodeboy, PHP & Web Dev, artistic autism and creative technicality.
  10. @tancott Brandon Tancott, MD and Owner of Sightings Design & Development, Web designer, Entrepreneur, and newbie blogger
  11. @pamsykes; Pam Sykes; Writer, tech enthusiast, budding web strategist.
  12. @lukehardiman Designer, Strategist, Blogger, Astronaut
  13. @saaleha; Saaleha Bamjee-Mayet; writer
  14. @danieroux; Danie Roux; Wannabe geek
  15. @thescott Scott Gray ginger.
  16. @rafiq Rafiq Phillips Web AddiCT (a particularly handsome young man! Now if only I was 17 years younger...)
  17. @strandloper Steve Crane (aka craniac). Developer for MiX Telematics in Stellenbosch, amateur photographer. Lives in Strand.
  18. @walterpike Walter Pike, Marketing, Advertising, Social Media, Academic, Writer, Blogger, Public Speaker, Consultant, and fonder and director of the aaa digital marketing academy
  19. @grantsi Grant Sidwell Cheif executive coffee maker, Blogger, based in London
  20. @marcel_perform ; Marcel Oudejans; Corporate Magician, Infotainer, entertainer, marketer, speaker, maven, blogger & web geek
  21. @neil_garb; Neil Garb; Web developer, PHP blogger (codecaine.co.za)
  22. @melattree; Melissa Attree; Social media strategist, blogger and WebPR specialist.
  23. @Warren_G; Warren Groeneveld; Actaris SA
  24. @stii Stii Pretorius; All round geek, programmer, blogger and CTO of Afrigator.com
  25. @jbagley The Bagley; I'm from Cape Town and can be found bloging from time to time at www.jasonbagley.com
  26. @SubOracle Richard Banks; programmer, geek, blogger and Owner of DataPoint
  27. @thakadu Neville Newey; founder of Muti, way to geeky, currently residing in sunny California
  28. @naidood Deshanta N, journo-turned-blogger, social media content manager at #Cerebra. Lover of great tech, fiction and music.
  29. @charlvn Charl van Niekerk; blogger and technologist by trade and by passion.
  30. @EricEdelstein Eric Edelstein Weight: 85kg Height: 5.8
  31. @ismail Ismail Dhorat, blogger at StartupAfrica, Founder of ignite2
  32. @cluckhoff Catherine Lückhoff Brand alchemist, knowledge seeker, MANGO-OMC ringleader.
  33. @buge Aubrey Kilian What? www.dociletree.co.za Please don't stalk me
  34. @fromtheold Founder of Fromtheold.com
  35. @lilji25 Yasser Buchana -20 year old CEO, Social Media Consultant , Web-Strategist , Web AddiCT and Computer Scientist+Thinker!
  36. @johan__ johan pretorius web developer, system analyst, loving ruby on rails
  37. @SaulKZA Saul Kropman writer, blogger, FirstStepper, wannabe superstar
  38. @DaveDuarte Dave Duarte, Marketing Geek!
  39. @andrevr Andre van Rooyen, Business and Software consultant and developer. Photographer. Mac-fanboy.
  40. @geekrebel Henk Kleynhans WiFi rebel and social entrepreneur. Sworn Enemy of bloggers who refer to themselves in the 3rd person using "The ..."
  41. @charliekits Adri Lottering, Web designer by day, University student by night. watch out world here i come! :)
  42. @amabacha Ronald Bach, Mobile - where its happening and where I want to be
  43. @mohamed Mohamed Nanabhay, spending way too much time on the interwebs. Currently in Doha, Qatar as Head of New Media @ Al Jazeera. A blog.
  44. @shahil Shahil Juggernath Electronic Engineer. I love my technology, music and politics. And Wind Farms...
  45. @cathjenkin Cath Jenkin, IT Manager by day, Aspiring Writer by night, Single Mom all the time.
  46. @altersage Christine da Silva, Online Marketing strategist and consultant for all things web!
  47. @leigh_ann_mol Leigh-Ann Mol, Broadcaster, web content manager & animal whisperer
  48. @jaynepod Jayne Morgan podcast creator, media trainer, writer for hire
  49. @darrengorton Darren Gorton
  50. @ginocosme Gino Cosme, Social Media Navigator - strategist, consultant, writer and blogger.
  51. @andyhadfield Andy Hadfield, Digital Strategist, specialising in Web2 / New Media for Business. Blogger. Cricket fan. www.andyhadfield.com
  52. @pevideoguy Glen Meyburgh Video Producer and web tinkerer
  53. @Brettski Brett Haggard, tech journo, geek, macinista and contributor to ZA Tech Show, South Africa's favourite tech podcast (or something)
  54. @matthewbuckland Matthew Buckland,...web guy
  55. @thecharmed1 Nafisa Akabor; www.nafisa.co.za
  56. @KerryHaggard Kerry Haggard, freelance writer and editor
  57. @samanthaperry; Samantha Perry; tech journalist, editor and general grumpy person
  58. @sqroot Andrew Smith, e-commerce specialist, developer for Yuppiechef
  59. @Bok_Skippy- Most likely on of the few non-IT's on here - Civil Engineer - but a HUGE geek
  60. @mikestopforth Mike Stopforth, dead-sexy godfather of SouthAfrica2.0 (I second the dead sexy thing!!)
  61. @MyBrandedLifeTM  Alex van Tonder, strategist, creative, writer and blogger. MyBrandedLife(TM)
  62. @henreHenré Rossouw, taking wine, food & lifestyle to unprecedented heights in the 2.0 sphere.
  63. @shauntrennery Shaun TrenneryWeb Developer / "Creator" with interests in .Net, JavaScript, Ajax, ASP.Net, MVC, Csla, Silverlight, Cycling, Computrainer.
  64. @mallix Mallix, designer and creative stinker living in Cape Town. Currently working at The Jupiter Drawing Room. More at my Flickr profile page.
  65. @richmulholland Rich...! A guy who lives here, ;
  66. @simonebizSimone Puterman assistant editor and blogger at Bizcommunity.com,
  67. @mkarim Muhammad Karim - Marketer, Blogger, Freelance Writer and SA's First Web 2.0 Radio DJ. Knowledge Fiend. Likes everything from Wu-Tang Clan to Megadeth, Haruki Murakami to Dr. Seuss :P
  68. @simondingle Simon Dingle
  69. @MaxKaizen Maximillian KaizenHunter of Genius: gatherer of the singularly brilliant, brave and wild ones for business and pleasure
  70. @mandyldewaal Mandy de Waal Writer, columnist and freelance journalist. Blogger. Cautious optimist. Tekken fiend.
  71. @Dplanet Damian Stephens, CEO of Pioneer Unit Records, Partner, Apartment Applied Visual Arts
  72. @benedictkelly Ben Kelly: Telcommunications analyst and writer at Ernst & Young, ZA Tech Show contributor and general web hound. Also at Ungeeked.co.za
  73. @dreamfoundry Diaan Mynhardt: Graphic Designer and CSS stylist at www.dreamfoundry.co.za. Tea? Yes please.
  74. @zoopedup Charl Norman: Founder of Zoopedup.com, Blueworld.co.za, CarBlog.co.za and BandwidthBlog.com - www.charlnorman.com
  75. @jpvanderspuy JP van der Spuy - Blogger, Entrepreneur, Creative Strategist behind www.interactivevision.co.za and founder of www.MyTrade.co.za
  76. @verran Glen Verran: Java developer by day and podcaster by night. Producer/host of The ZA Show Podcast and business partner at E-Senses.
  77. @wikidknickers Niki McQueen ~ self confessed n00b (rebel without a clue (and sometime designer of really naff things))
  78. @nicharry Nic Haralambous - SA Rocks, Nicharalambous.com
  79. @robinpietersen Robin Pietersen, HTTP professional - www.noboxmedia.com
  80. @graemecumming Graeme Cumming, New Media Geek
  81. @spo0ky Anne-Sophie Leens, Partner Apartment Applied Visual Arts
  82. @ONELONGMINUTE www.onelongminute.com Blog. A unique yet addictive take on blogging with longer front page exposure, sharp commentary, loads of reaction and heady interaction between users. Purist, mainline blogging for people who can stand the pace. No fluffy pages, no cute avatars, and absolutely no prisoners. Raw and undiluted. Onelongminute.com: Just Write...
  83. @eishman Roy Godfrey AKA Eishman eishonline.co.za
  84. @tertia Tertia Albertyn - South Africa's Blogging Queen Mum blogs at www.tertia.org and founder of Nurture Egg Donor Program. We need your eggs.
  85. @franklywrankles Ms. Frankly Wrankles - Bitchin' blogger, ace writer, bondage queen, egoist & soso sex kitten. If you are easily offended for gawd's sake don't read her blog at www.onelongminute.com
  86. @marcforrest Marc Forrest - Blogging boy from Durbs. SQL Guru by Day, Super Daddy by night. -> MarcForrest.com
  87. @hanlie Hanlie Blewett - Blogs at www.fertilehealthy.com/blog. Capetonian SAHW.
  88. @FeistyFemale - the constantly curious ideas magician and enterpriser
  89. @DazMSmith - Darren Smith - MD Technews Publishing, uber geek, golf nut, deaf & sometimes dumb.
  90. @mariusb - Marius Bock - some ordinary Cape Town guy that is sharing his views with the world.
  91. @jonnocohen - Jonno Cohen - Designer, illustrator, thinker (sometimes)
  92. @iol - www.iol.co.za - Independent Online News articles, updated at most every 15 minutes.
  93. @ATimberlake - Freelance web programmer who's only interested in perfection
  94. @magictim - Tim Shier - Head Pirate
  95. @robstokes - Rob Stokes - Ginger eMarketing nut and CEO of Quirk eMarketing
  96. @Fred_Roed - Fred Roed - Big Daddy Max at World Wide Creative; marketing guy at Ideate.co.za; and the heaviest chef at The Heavy Chef Project
  97. @getclosure - complaints made easy . Also the answer to HellNo Peter.
  98. @stoneware - Ross Nevette - Landscaper
  99. @kayterra - Andrew Glanville - strange and wonderful human who thinks in patterns. Rare blogging. (PHP/Ruby/*nix/web)
  100. @dressedforheels - Quirky Blogger, wannabe geek
  101. @RockingTheDaisy - Rocking the Daisies is SA's only carbon neutral music festival hosted in Darling in Sept/Oct each year.
  102. @Roekeloos Roekeloos Entertain, Inform and Incense - in Afrikaans
  103. @mozami =:Zahir Mirza:= electronic engineer, joomla developer, blogger, graphic designer, all round http2.0 geek, and #99 on this list.
  104. @BrandsEye BrandsEye Online Reputation Management Tool created by Quirk eMarketing.
  105. @kerry_anne Kerry-Anne Gilowey Content creator, photo-blogger, and entrepreneur
  106. @SnowgooseSA Heidi Schneigansz Online Marketing Co-ordinator at SBSA, former graphic designer, social networking enthuiast
  107. @gwendolen - Gwendolen Tee, Internet junkie, Groningen, the Netherlands
  108. @johnginsberg John Ginsberg, Chief Marketing Geek at Ensight
  109. @CandiceHolgate Candice Holgate a blogger and business owner that likes the digital world..thats all.
  110. @jamaal_jayz Jamaaludeen Khan - Blogger, Speaker, Web Strategist @ Jayz Internet Solutions
  111. @spogs Mark Watson - RAPID, PHP, MySQL, XHTML, JQuery, System Architect, Developer, Front-End Author, MDA expertise and 8 years in the game
  112. @blacktiemedia - David Leonard - Freelance web and graphics guy, SEO enthusiast and learner in the school of interweb life... www.blacktiemedia.co.za
  113. @marcog - Marco Gallotta - UCT CS masters student heavily into competitive programming, author of Marco's Blog
  114. @keegan_csmith - Keegan Carruthers-Smith - UCT Mathematics and Computer Science student. Home Page
  115. @CraigN - Craig Nicholson - Microsoft Xbox MVP, developer, architect, Star Trek fan, community leader and blogger - CraigN.NET
  116. @grahampoulter - Graham Poulter - Finishing a masters degree in bioinformatics at UCT
  117. @qudsiya - Qudsiya Karrim - Final year New Media student @ Rhodes University, into social media and all things Web 2.0... http://www.bloggingsocialmedia.wordpress.com
  118. @FlintZA - Matt Benic - Game Developer and environmental worryer - http://flintza.blogspot.com
  119. @jasonzoopy - Jason Elk - Zoopy.com
  120. @springleap All the springleap crew in one place twittering about spring's and leap's
  121. @nomadone - Nur Ahmad Furlong www.nomad-one.com - Ethically Focused Design & Web Consultant - The Bearded On
  122. @garethochse - Gareth - Strategy and Finance guy. I'll help you maximise the value of your business over the next 2 years. garethochse AT gmail DOT com
  123. @VinnyLingham - another startup guy... :-) CEO of SynthaSite, based in San Francisco but still a local boy


  124. @craigcorte - Craig yet other starup guy at http://www.buzzfuse.com (genetically more successfull than @garethochse, not sure about @ericedelstein) also on musclefatigue.blogspot.com
  125. @yusufk - Yusuf, born with the knack, and too lazy to blog.
  126. @gonoknok - noknok, SA's 1st operator launched mobile IM service, www.noknok.co.za
  127. @jacomeiring - I just know stuff
  128. @elanlohmann - web veteran. Been evangelising online for a decade and head of Social Networking/media @24.com******
  129. **@MonicaBragancaMonica Braganca Client Service Director at Emerging Media Communications a.k.a. Head Cheerleader
  130. @PhilipvanZyl Philip van Zyl. CEO PeopleSurveys.co.za. Dad of two fab young girls. Internet dabbler. affiliate marketer, internet marketer, CPA Arbitrage, blah blah... Dreamer.
  131. @2oceansvibe Seth Rotherham - Editor of 2oceansvibe.com - hilarious Cape Town boutique lifestyle website - Work is a sideline, live the holiday
  132. @capetownmag Molo - spokesperson & iconic logo of CapeTownMagazinec - The World's only destination magazine with monthly newsletter in three languages - English, German and Dutch
  133. @grocotts - updating you with the latest news from the City of Saints, Grahamstown - the home of the National Arts Festival, Rhodes University, Grocott's Mail and the Rat & Parrot.
  134. @pauljohnston - co-founder of Prophecy.co.za *workaholic* , addicted to FaceBook (friend me!) and posting obscure commentary via twitter and fb updates.
  135. @anne_brand - anne taylor: dabbler and recovering online addict
  136. @shaunoakes - Shaun Oakes, Cape Town's Favourite Son - writer, blogger and man of the people.
  137. @StevenMcD - Steven McDonald, C# ASP.Net and general web development comments
  138. @MDCore - Gavin van Lelyveld - PHP Web App Developer in CT
  139. @briantw - Astrobiologist and general all-round loser.
  140. @vanclark - Freelance marketing strategist, PR peep, branding bod & copy creator. For fun I bungle my way through the SA wine world.
  141. @ernstk - Ernst Kuschke@cow_grrrl - Sue Rutherford aka justBcoz = business owner, mom to two teen boys, noob blogger. Just a gal doing me best =)
  142. @BiggestMullet - Brendon Grobler - web designer, velvet jacket wearer.
  143. @foxtrotcharlie Charles Tanton; Drupal Web development & member of The He-ShesProud friend of Vega; Drupalers should check out the South Africa Drupal Group
  144. @lindie_vermaak; self-professed Chanel fanatic (contemplating YSL now) always attempting to add a touch of style and creativity to all things bright and uhm ... beautiful?
  145. @carlojnel junior IT Manager learning new things everyday; web-lover/addict; general all-rounder geek
  146. @JasonEsch; Jason Esch; Struggling writer. Save me from an ignominious death and likes pancakes http://www.marque.co.za/ and [
  147. @apie;
  148. @abredenhann - md and co-founder at Jump Shopping (www.jump.co.za) and personal blog 
  149. @helendaws Helen Dawson - Generally Interesting Person and Online Marketing Manager at The Times
  150. @leon_jacobs: creative director, writer and connector based in Hong Kong (http://www.leonjacobs.com) and most importantly, number 147.
  151. @Bash: Writer, photographer, wannabe geek. (http://www.basheerakhan.com) Jozi -> Swansea -> next stop: London.
  152. @Vhata: Don't worry, ma'am. I'm From The Internet. - [http://vhata.net/" _fcksavedurl=">http://vhata.net/" _fcksavedurl=">http://vhata.net/" _fcksavedurl=">http://vhata.net/" _fcksavedurl=">http://vhata.net/" _fcksavedurl=">http://vhata.net/" _fcksavedurl=">http://vhata.net/" _fcksavedurl=">http://vhata.net/" _fcksavedurl=">http://vhata.net/" _fcksavedurl=">http://vhata.net/"
  153. @Mongezi - Events designer, blogger 
  154. @joduxbury - Jo Duxbury - founder of http://www.freelancentral.co.za, freelance writer and editor, co-organiser of the Flying Solo SA conferences
  155. @gustav_bertram - Gustav Bertram, programmer, otaku (hardcore geek), computer scientist wannabe. Blogs Constant Flux and Otakumono.
  156. @sachutney - Saul Wainwright, living in Kalk Bay with wife and child. MA student at UCT. Founder of Gordon-Wainwright a social media services company and of Messy Monkey Arts
  157. @one2love - Samuel Sampi Kamffer, Designer, Ilustrator - one2love // be graphic! Based in Plettenberg Bay http://www.one2love.co.za
  158. Joburg businessman (http://www.glugster.co.za) http://www.glugster.co.za) http://www.glugster.co.za) http://www.glugster.co.za)
  159. @RichardWooding - Cape Town Developer, Technology, Open Source, GNU/Linux Enthusiast. Cheese = Good
  160. @joycloete -- The geeky, oh-so-amazing blogger, activist, tweeter who writes www.joy-mari.com and Word Whisperer. -- It's about grammar, language, and stuff.
  161. @metaMeerkat - Dorette Steenkamp, Executive Director of Uthango Social Investments. Alanagh Recreant in Second Life with our Africa in Virtual Worlds project. More about me:
  162. @yellowllama - Mark Bloomfield, Owner of The Yellow Llama. I'm a Web Designer, Developer, WordPress Consultant, Media Consultant and South Africa's only Adobe Community Expert.
  163. @phr0ggi - phr0ggi(Real Name on Request). Copywriting Ninja/Social Media Addict. You can catch me over at The Batrachian Chronicles.********
  164. @bradwaltman - Brad Waltman Performance Marketer, Brand Strategist, Soon-to-be kitesurfer (www.kitesports.co.za) and rabid vegetarian
  165. @G_Masta - Studio Head and compulsive Google Reader addict at Virgin Active SA. trying to pull this corporate beast into the digital age kicking and screaming.
  166. @_enzo - Lorenzo Gabba « loves: girlfriend, quality caffè, italian wine sales, gym, luxury, drumming, tech geekery, social media, comics, relaxing with friends and rock 'n roll baby!
  167. @reigun - Reijer van der Vlugt. I'm an art director, graphic designer, musician, poet/pirate based in Cape Town. Currently working for TBWAHUNTLASCARIS.
  168. @Laurakim123 - Laura-kim. Single mom blogger who works in my spare time!
  169. @kennethkalmer - performing regular wizardry through open source.
  170. @chrisonderstall - Working in Digital @ Fleishman-Hillard Johannesburg
  171. @michelledasilva - Loves creating impact through design.
  172. @youngblood - Head of iLab and Publisher of The Times Online
  173. @lisawomersley - Mobiles Web Analyst @ Sensis in Melbourne (Australia)
  174. @iwanp - Senior consultant on ICT and media
  175. @simonbotes I manage the South African fring blog, and the main fring blog
  176. @lrossouw - Louis Rossouw. Photography and blogging my photography. blog.spin.za.net
  177. @web20critic - Social media and web service solutions provider. Google Freak
  178. @SmallCapital - A wealth of quick tips and practical advice for small business owners. The practical guide for SMEs in South Africa
  179. @hfordsa - Heather Ford on internet activism and innovation
  180. @barryroodt - Barry Roodt. Lead developer and co-founder of JumpTag Web Development. PHP and jQuery ninja in love with all things Open Source.
  181. @patrickburnett - Journalist, West Cape News, Cape Town, http://www.westcapenews.co
  182. @nolwagen - Nico Olwagen: Brand champion, marketer, photographer, blogger
  183. @jokevn Joke van Niekerkblogger, virtual team project manager and IT trainer.;
  184. @sheraan Sheraan Amod: Techno-marketer entrepreneur. Webaholic, reading fanatic, gym fiend and personal development nut. Co-Founder of award winning funded startup, Personera. www.sheraanamod.com
  185. @kishyr Kishyr Ramdial: SuperHero, Web 2.0 Code Poet (I ♥ Ruby, Rails, jQuery, PHP); Avid Mac OS X fan and proudly South African!. Entropy Thoughts
  186. @annaling Anna Vaulina: an all-round nice chap(ette), heart marketing at DSTV Online
  187. @kevl Kevin Laithwaite - Hippy geek, sci-fi lover, technologist, explorer of human nature and founder of Jobcrystal. I blog more occasionally than comets.
  188. @nadiapadayachi - curious online traveller
  189. @SingleSyllable Martha van Zyl Blogger, Gadget Girl, Daydreamer in a sticky situation.
  190. @tsholo_m Tsholo Mpuru software developer and lover of life
  191. @willemvzyl; Willem van Zyl; Cape Town Developer / DBA, UNIX geek, Linux evangelist, Apple fanboy, Blogger on Geekology
  192. @hansmol: Hans Mol - Mobile Media & Marketing FANATIC, Part time blogger, Full time Adventurer
  193. @jontyfisher: Marketer and business owner - Traffic Integrated, Mediaweb
  194. @hunt3r: Chris Ainslie. Nerd.
  195. @sampaddock: Sam PaddockEntrepreneur, semi-geek, lover of wine and all things beautiful, owner of www.getsmarter.co.za
  196. @simon_g: Simon Griffiths - around IT for long time; was an early BI fundi, now into ERP, trying to figure out how to transition to Web 2.0
  197. @camera_obscura: Arno Breedt Sysadmin, cook, poet, photographer, cat person. Sometimes leaves scribbles athttp://www.obscura.za.net
  198. @carla_fourie Marketing Coordinator for AlterSage, coffee addict, compulsive list-maker
  199. @theworx Hasanain Abdullah__ __Web Designer @ The WorX Web Design, Blogger and Social Media for Jayz
  200. @tyronevh: Tyrone Van Heerden- Public Relations Officer.
  201. @arthurficial: Arthur Charles Van Wyk - CEO at Fluence New Marketing, Creative Director at KOOLOOMA, Blogger at http://www.arthurficial.co
  202. @derekabdinor: Derek Abdinor - online disclosure and corporate carnivore
  203. @statsninja Muhammad Jamal; Statistician and Academic Research Consultant.
  204. Penis Enlargement -Best Quality Penis Enlargement Pills and all Penis Enlargement Products at www.Naturalherbalsinc.com
  205. @erikmvermeulen Erik Vermeulen. Consultant and Speaker helping companies make sense of their employees and customers. Athlete. Photographer.
  206. @fire_works Filmmaker, internepreneur, finally giving in to the open side of the source, playing between wisdom of crowds & wikinomics, founder of membrane, mac-fan-boy of note.
  207. @marianpike: Marian Pike; Media Studies Lecturer, CPUT, Cape Town.
  208. @weskus Peter Hollard; retired IT and marketing guy relaxing on the west coast; blogs at Yzerfontein Chronicles
  209. @wardahpeck: Wardah Peck; Public Relations Management Graduate assistant and Part-time tutor, Cape Peninsula University of Technology
  210. @Telcosaint: Brett St Clair; A self confessed Mobile Media addict and yes a soft spot for the Lions Rugby team! Fourways, Johannesburg
  211. @the_dre: Andre Fredericks; Technology and business strategist. Loves Poker, Golf, Mojitos and his girls@home. CT
  212. @astrodate: Babett Baer, astrologer, facinated with all things internet, alternative date organiser for single professionals atwww.astrodate.co.za, astro-counselor and alround astro-love guru.
  213. @maggiev Web 2.0 activist 4 teaching and learning and consultant for schools/DoE , maths literacy teacher trainer: blogs at www.school2.co.za 
  214. @guznuname Claus Lauter, Web Design and SEO professional, Managing director of capecoders.net, founder of Cape Towns fastest growing business network social-network.co.za
  215. @slottering; Steven Lottering; Just a human being devoted to personal and social transformation. Always on the side of the oppressed and marginalised.
  216. @boastboy: Marcel Boast, Determined entrepreneur, part-time blogger applenewstoday.blogspot.com/, utterly ADD, and addicted to tech and web 2.0
  217. @christina_em7: Christina Maxwell, Zealous & avid emarketing/web dev/seo/social media scholar, loves learning new things
  218. @RuViljoen: Tech enthusiast, blogger, pc technician and wall builder..Plettenberg Bay, SA
  219. @ewanm - dev manager, husband, dad, cat herder, perl guru, geek. ewanscorner.com.
  220. @springleaping - Daily coupon for discounts on springleap Tshirts
  221. @josiestewart- internet marketing
  222. @timshier - marketing guy, wannabe pirate, ex-code monkey
  223. @leevanlog - Lee van Loggerenberg is author, blogger, mother, strategist and total nutter
  224. @peterdtoit - Peter du Toit Social Media coach & strategist at Social Media IQ and Law of Attraction Coach/Trainer & Speaker at Law of Attraction Centre who loves to help people evolve & inovate
  225. @lisabreedt - Lisa Breedt Social Media coach at Social Media IQ and Wellness & Attraction Coach/Trainer, Founder of Wellness IQ: Assisting Individuals with Healthy Mind, Healthy Body connection. Animal & nature lover!
  226. @HennoK; Henno Kotzé; Expat journalist, English teacher, fool and blogger living in Saigon, Vietnam. backwaterviews.blogspot.com
  227.  @travelstart - Travelstart: Providing you travel industry/travelstart related info.  www.travelstart.co.za enables you to search, compare, select & book the  best flight fare from all flight carrers.
  228. @takkie13  - Beverley Schafer; Lover of CapeTown, Social Media, Marketing and Media. Politically active, independant & supporter of Conscious Capitalism.
  229. @sergeimuller - Sergei Muller; Interactive Designer based in London. Skinny guy on the left on Google Maps Street View.
  230. @robgilmour - Startup fanatic, Partner at RSAWEB and Mountain Biking enthusiast
  231. @RSAWEB - Thoughts from below the raised floor, an insight into what goes on behind the scenes at RSAWEB, SA's premier Data Centre company
  232. @pete_flynn - Software as a Service Entrepreneur, Partner at White Wall Web, a Web Application Development Consultancy.
  233. @markslingsby - Partner at RSAWEB, Bird spotter, Advanced Diver and mountainbiker
  234. @andi_friedman - Web/mobile entrepreneur & enthusiast.  Partner at www.clyral.com and www.mobileresearcher.com
  235. @marcobouwer - Partner in Stylo Creative Communications (@stylocreative), Miami & New York. Creative content, online marketing, public relations, social media. Capetonian living in the US.
  236. @NinjaMonkeysSA - Software developer, consultant, and boredom killer.
  237. @gabyrosario - www.gabriellerosario.com new media marketer, mobile focus
  238. @ctcoffeeclub - Cape Town Coffee Club: www.coffeeclub.co.za
  239. @pencilgirlsa - Ria Smit; autumn baby from SW, currently living in Stellenbosch. Occupation: Indecisive.
  240. @justinspratt - sandboxsavant.blogspot.com - business manager at Internet Solutions - cant believe I am so late to this  :-\
  241. @5FM - 5fm.co.za - National South African FM radio station
  242. @stefandixon - www.stefandixon.co.za - Cape Town based musician - singer/songwriter
  243. @mUnZ17  -  Munira Carim- addicted to Internet, massage therapist,luv all things South African,mom to 2 lovely boys,wife 2 wonderful husband...friend to every1......
  244. @hermanlintvelt - Herman Lintvelt, software developer, consultant, coach;mainly java. hermanlintvelt.blogspot.com
  245. @pinkfuzzyninja - Christina Engela, an LGBTIQ rights activist.
  246. @geoffreygordon - Geoffrey Gordon, Blaze Web Studio, Bio Explorer,Twitter Fanatic, Entrepreneur, Web/Graphic Designer, Google-ist i can find anything, Artist ,Technical Geek, I like following people to learn new things. www.blazewebstudio.co.za I can design you a custom twitter background check mine out.
  247. @rethavs - Retha van Staden - Kreatif Code & Design, web developer, business networker
  248. @hrworks - Adria Bulpitt www.hrworks.co.za - Human Resources Directory and informational site for people in Human Resources in South Africa.
  249. @dreamworkerZA - Ronald Bownes at Dreamworker.org.za is totally committed to helping the unemployed, stopping at nothing to help the poorest of the poor better their situation in life!  YOU can help by providing workdays to these people!
  250.  @treasureafrica - Treasureafrica.com is a tourism information portal providing information to visitors about Hout Bay, Camps Bay and Cape Town!
  251. @bizeventguide - www.bizeventguide.co.za - Free listing of business networking events countrywide and some international events.
  252. @LeonardBT - hot (and single :-) Accounts Exec at Kreatif Code & Design... marketer of design and web development services... business networker, etc.
  253. @moonhugger - Mooniq - ARBservations of a 1989er. Ridiculously uninteresting. :)
  254. @mimisbeadstudio - Denise living in SA - have a small online shop on Etsy.com - would love to spread the word about Etsy in South Africa
  255. @SeanNieuwoudt - Future web billionaire :) , skydiver, engineer & all-round porn star... not literally, ofcourse
  256. @danbaileyza - busy with own startup allthingsmobile.co.za, startup fanatic
  257. @allthingsmobile - online startup comparing cellphone contracts, broadband prices and all things mobile
  258. @sarvs - Jack of All Trades & President of Cool at Digital Planet. Randomly Awesome with a pinch of curry powder.
  259. @IvoVegter - Ivo Vegter, columnist & stirrer
  260. @david_imob - David Theron mobile developer
  261. @tiffanymarkman - Tiffany Markman: Freelance copywriter, editor, writing coach and all-round nerd, based in JHB and particularly partial to punctuation; www.tiffanymarkman.co.za
  262. @AfricanABC- Graeme SacksComposer, Jingle writer, guitarist, kid's music producer, hiker. My Blog: http://africanabc.blogspot.com My kids CDs: http://www.africanabc.com/
  263. @xsyn - Internet Entrepreneur, Behavioural Theorist, Systems Choreographer
  264. @beverleypekema - web junky intending to spread a word of hope
  265. @art2gee - Arthur Goldstuck: writes books on urban legends and tech topics. Runs tech market research business. http://www.worldwideworx.com
  266. @TallStoriesBook - Tall Stories - Fine  Books for Discerning People. Selected books,for selected people,by selective owners in Irene Village Mall. Tel :27+(0)12 622 2829.tallstories@megaweb.co.za. There is no substitute for knowledge! Tall Stories is a bookshop offering fine books for discerning readers. We sell only the best books: collectables, africana, publisher's overstocks and quality pre-loved books.  Tall Stories is a member of the Southern African Book Dealers Association.
  267. @PatriciaD- Patricia Dmochowska. Clam to fame? EveD's sister. See no.1 ;-)
  268. @elisabethbutterfly - Hey there, satwitters! I  I was born in Joannesburg, left South Africa in 1993, settled in France and later in Portugal for almost 16 years and just came back. I'm living in Cape Town, i work as communication designer and i hold dual citizenship, South African and British. My blog is oooooops! and you can find me also on twitter at @bethbutterfly Warm regards!
  269. @PeninsulaTM - Peninsula Toastmasters is the club where like-minded toastmaster-adventurers meet.
  270. @BouchicZA - Get designer gear at stylishly low prices with Bouchic. Shhh! We won’t tell if you don’t!
  271. @DesrieG - Rambler
  272. @jail4bail - The Cape Town "Jail4Bail" Autism guy, going up Kilimanjaro for Autism - www.autismwesterncape.org.za & www.zoopy.com/awckilimanjaro
  273. @onelargerprawn - The evil curator of the Onelargeprawn blog.
  274. @gormendizer - Johan Swarts; producer, editor, musician, writer, blogger, linguist, geek - http://gormendizer.co.za
  275. @totalexposure - Total Exposure: Kick ass publicity agency - totalexposure.co.za
  276. @mikesharman - PR consultant / funny guy/mankini mike/iyo bangani iyo - Sharman and Hobbo
  277. @RoyHarrisPastorRoy Harris: Rhema Cape Town/South African Institute for Life Coach Training/Community Mental Health & Psychiatry/Help Your Neighbour Social Responsibility Consultants & Philanthropy - Florida USA & Cape Town South Africa www.royharris.us; www.mentalhealth.org.za; www.lifecoachtraining.co.za; www.rhemafamily.co.za; www.helpyourneighbour.org; www.communitydiners.org.za
  278. @jackswede57 - Tharuna Devchand: writer, artist, blogger, comedian (almost), movie fanatic and wannabe director
  279. @onsaletodaySA; OnSaleToday | South Africa's very own eBay | Buy Online | Sell Online - Join the world of OnSaleToday & promote your stuff for sale online - Secure South African Auction & Shopping Portal for pedlers and consumers.  
  280. @SPiVs - Suvan Singh; I spend far too much time online with the rest of the people on this list. Love innovating and integrating.
  281. @blackburnmike Mike Blackburn, Consultant Anaesthesiologist, Father of 2, Mac Fan, Wannabe Geek http://mikeblackburn.posterous.com


  282. @choc_milk - Thorn in side. Chip on shoulder. Smartass. 


  283. @TwistedRoss - Ross - Living The Twisted Lifestyle. Businessman, IT Specialist, Socialite, Blogger, Music Industry Specialist, Content Provider, Car & Music Guru, Producer
  284. @TwistedLifestyl - Twisted Lifestyle Magazine - http://www.twistedlifestyle.com/
  285. @bidorbuy_co_za - bidobuy Online Marketplace -  Buy or sell new or used items, on auctions or at fixed prices. http://www.bidorbuy.co.za.

  286. @hificorporation.co.za - Hi-Fi Corporation, founded in 1993 and acquired by JD Group in 2003, is the not only the biggest audio and visual warehouse in Africa, but the biggest in the Southern Hemisphere- offering customers lowest prices every day!- http://www.hificorporation.co.za   

 284. @Sithiwe- Samkele Sithiwe Nkabinde, Intern at media agency frayintermedia.

 285. @tsakani02 - Editorial Assistant, IPS Africa http://www.ipsnews.net/africa

286.  @werrietheron - business owner, student, runner, mountain biker, aspiring cross-country skier

287.  @khanyalitabe - production manager at radio veritas, a catholic station broadcasting to the whole of Southern Africa on DSTV and worldwide on the web www.radioveritas.co.za

288.  @AnneKSchmidt - Website and content manager. Addicted to change. Loves cappuccino and sushi. Scared of jumping out of planes..

289. @frayintermedia  media training agency in Dunkweld West. www.frayintermedia.com

290. @Raz_Angel - Senior Web Producer. Mastering Social Media. and just plain Jane. Watch this space! She will be famous in the online world!

291. @scibono - largest science discovery centre in southern Africa

292. @talkingheads_ct -- We speak easily at Talking Heads Toastmasters www.cttalkingheads.com

293. @joanstewart1 - Social Media Marketing moving into Mobile Marketing, Durban based Consultant. Get going local, will have a new local site up soon, currently you will find me here http://www.blogbizbuzz.com or http://www.linkedin.com/in/joanstewart1 and needless to say a favourite with many  http://www.facebook.com/joan.stewart1

294. @tshiamolee- Graphic Designer.Gadget Freak. Movie fantatic. Awesome 


Comments (12)

Wogan May said

at 1:03 pm on May 14, 2008

Welcome to SATwitter. Please be kind, rewind, and keep your postings short. Within your own space, link liberally, and it'll be in your best interest to @ your twitter name.

Zk said

at 1:08 pm on May 14, 2008

doesn't some one want to do it for me?
I'm new to wiki and i have a feeling i would mess it up :)

Wogan May said

at 1:10 pm on May 14, 2008

Just edit the page (like you were doing), and add a new item as if it was your own. If you break it that badly, we'll be able to roll it back to a previous revision. No stress :)

Zk said

at 1:13 pm on May 14, 2008

thanks will do in a bit :)

Mario Morgan said

at 1:44 pm on May 14, 2008

I see a few names including me were deleted, heres mine, thanks wogy - @mariomorgan ; Mario Morgan; Web Developer, Designer, Entrepreneur, Freelancer & Apple Genius

Hasanain said

at 2:02 pm on Feb 16, 2009

@theworx ; Hasanain Abdullah ; Web Designer, Blogger, Free Spirit and Avid Photographer

shanaaz said

at 2:11 pm on Jun 4, 2009

@shanaaz_physio ; Shanaaz Solomon ; Physiotherapist@Solid Sports Clinic in Cape Town. Rehabilitation specialists

Denise said

at 7:55 am on Aug 18, 2009

@mimisbeadstudio : I added my link above but it is not clickable - do not know why?

Janine Scorer said

at 2:45 pm on Aug 20, 2009

@JanineSc my blog http://scorerjanineblog.blogspot.com/
Interestes Wild life and animal rights

elisabethbutterfly said

at 11:09 pm on Aug 31, 2009

I am was born in johannesburg, left South Africa in the year 1993 to finish studies in France and lived in Portugal. Now i'm living in Cape Town and i intend to stay for good. My blog is http://oooooops.wordpress.com

gormendizer said

at 2:10 pm on Sep 9, 2009

this is t3h r0x0rz. nice work, you guys.

Jack Maringa said

at 9:58 am on Jun 4, 2011

Twitter Feed: http://bit.ly/mJAYzB

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