SA Teachers

If you are a teacher in South Africa, please add yourself to this page under the relevant subject. If you teach more than one subject, add yourself in more than one place ;-) Also, please put the grades that you teach in brackets behind your name + your blog/school url


Afrikaans First Additional Language


Riette Roos (gr 9 - 12)


Educational technology/ CAT/IT/e-learning


maggiev  (Gr 10-12 , Tersiery)

WilnaSmith (Gr. 8 - 12)




maggiev  (Gr 10-12 , Tersiery)



Mathematical literacy


maggiev  (Gr 10-12 , Tersiery)


School Leadership 


Arthur Preston - Headmaster; Lanner House School - 

     Blog : HeadThoughts (


Teachers' Professional Development  


Ariellah  sharing my experience working in education in South Africa in my blog